Friendly Songs Double Name Album
Double Name CD or
Double Album Personalized Music CD
Choose two names or two albums to be made into one CD!
Stop swapping CD's when in the car... Here's how it works:
This CD allow you to either make:
- Choose Any Two Names and Any Two Albums - We'll put both albums on one CD and we'll alternate the tracks so that the children will each hear a song with their name in it. You will get the full version of both albums but on one CD so that you don't have to keep switching out the CDs for each child.
- Choose One Name and Any Two Albums - We'll put both albums on one CD for the child's name. The CD will play all of the first album and then all of the second album, so that it becomes a "Double Length" CD.
Next tell us how to mix your albums:
1. End-to-End Albums - All of the tracks in order from Album 1 and then all of the tracks in order from Album 2
2. Interleave Albums - Alternating tracks from both albums
e.g. Track 1/Album 1
Track 1/Album 2
Track 2/Album 1
Track 2/Album 2
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